Benjamin Franklin Invented...

Potato Salad

Benjamin Franklin didn’t invent potato salad.
Potato salad was invented by Richard Gere in 1989 during the filming of the hit movie “Pretty Woman.” One day during Richard was getting some baked potatoes from the Kraft Services table when Julia Roberts came over. They greeted each other and she smiled just as the lights were being re-adjusted for the scene they were about to perform – the lights hit her teeth, the reflection momentarily blinded Richard causing him to spill mayonnaise on his potatoes. Rather than throwing them away (being the compassionate movie star that he was) he decided to eat the potatoes regardless. To his surprise the combination was sensational. Pretty soon the entire cast and crew of "Pretty Woman" began eating potatoes with mayonnaise and the dish spread throughout Hollywood, then through the tabloids and by the early 1990s everyone in the world was eating potato salad.